Thursday, 29 August 2013

Heikal’s farm… and salafists’ pit

I found a strong link between two matters I was very much interested to write about one of them in today’s article. The first one is muslim brotherhood assault on Mr. Muhammed Hassanien Heikal’s farm. The second is the salafists’ pit that we are falling into while we are still trying to get out of muslim brotherhood hole; meaning, like the proverb says of the unlucky one “he came out of a hole to fall down in a pit”. Our case is even worse as we are not yet out of the hole.

As to the link I mentioned, it’s the strong logical connection between burning books and trees in the farm and burning Egypt’s history, civilization, culture and identity in the constitution discussions. Mr. Heikal’s farm is not like any farm, whether regarding appearance or content, because actually, on both sides, it represents part of its owner’s character, his composition and vision.

The content of the countryside residence of Mr. Heikal - as we say when we talk about leaders and politicians – is not only about the old fruitful trees or flowers’ basins… not only the extra-warm simple building… and not the books and hand-written and electronic documents alone… however, it also combines many other things that cannot be measured in the usual manner… like ideal family relations, unlimited deep social relations, discussions that some of them led to major decisions affecting the nation… some of those discussions were rich in all fields of thought, culture and politics… in general, it is a place that once embraced the breathes of leaders, famous figures, big intellectuals and promising young men… all those sat in that place honored and happy… it is a place that held the ideas and words of its owner and other visitors.

Those barbarians attacked the farm like North tribes in Europe invaded Rome; the capital of civilization at that time. They set fire, looted and focused their destruction over books, documents and even trees. Here, we shall talk openly about what burning books and trees mean and immediately recall from the history memory the awful circumstance when Tatars threw the books of Baghdad’s libraries in the Tigris to cross over them with their horses… they also burnt the gardens of then-capital of the nation and killed its people that the river water stayed red for several days due to the blood spilt in it.

Not only this, but there is another aspect we should pay attention to in this tragic phenomenon; that is what Mr. Heikal, his personality, ideology, history and role, represent to those modern-time Tatars so that we can understand the violence, grudge and revenge they have towards the man. This man is a prominent symbol of the modern Egyptian civil state who is – away from exaggeration or flattering – not less than other symbols like Refa’a el-Tahtawi, Muhammed Abdo, Sa’ad Zaghloul, Ahmed Lotfi es-Sayed, Taha Hussien, Muhammed et-Tabe’i and others. The most important is that, the man is the most notable figure left of this state from the liberal Arab-national patriotic era; most famous as the Nasserist era. In such regard, those muslim brotherhood and their likes have a lot of memories in mind and a lot of grudge as well.

Not to mention that the man – Mr. Heikal – is a true knight using words and stances as a sword. He never let go of his horse; his pen, until this moment as he is ninety years old. It was a decisive battle to defeat that dark middle-ages scheme that took control of our country two years ago. And so, again, that was a major battle of the ninety-years-old young man; Muhammed Hassanien Heikal, and so, those barbarians revenged by burning books and trees. What a revenge that will enlist such barbarians with the worst description in history.

As to the second matter; the salafists’ pit, I wish I am wrong when I say I believe that no one of those salafist preachers’ leaders – salafist Dawah – had read anything about the meaning, context and development of the identity term along with its geographic, historical, civilized and cultural effects, despite that the preliminary rules of Fiqh necessitate that you identify the term first before you try to apply it in reality.

Before going on, I would like to stop here at the title they gave to their party – Noor party or Light party – as it represents the political arm of the salafist Dawah. I really do not know how many arms this Dawah has, because the term – once again – has arisen from the groups formed to fight occupation. And so, those resistance organizations used to have a political arm, another military, a third of intelligence, a fourth economic…etc. However, this does not apply as to equal citizens living in one country and sharing one political map… and while the majority of us believe in one religion, and then we find some of us appointing themselves guardians over the “true religion” and having several arms for their group, then it is not understandable or responsible. I wish Makhyoon and Burhami unveil the rest of the arms of the salafist Dawah so that the other parties in the country shall be prepared for the probability of having an armed military branch of the salafist Dawah.

They talk about the Islamic identity; meaning that the Egyptian identity is Islamic. I do not know why we do not say the Egyptian identity then we put a full stop. If those salafists read and understood – as it is likely they may read and not understand a word – they would realize that the Egyptian identity is composed of many layers accumulated through history, civilization, culture and fabric. Those layers are cohesive and intertwined that if you tried to separate them, the nation would bleed or even die.

Moreover, describing the identity with being Islamic alone means that there is total match among all Muslims-majority societies; meaning that Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan and the rest of the countries with the same description have one identity where geography, history, civilization, culture and nation fabric have no role to play. This is pure ignorance.

I remember my dear professor Dr. Muhammed Abdel-Hadi Shae’ira – may he rest in peace – who taught us the Abbasid, Moroccan and Andalusia history. He told us bout part of the Abbasids’ genius when they set their empire upon a system called Taraf Dari; meaning to acknowledge the right of the other partners in the society to have a diverse culture and to keep their national identities.

Moreover, what Islam do they mean? Is it Hizbi salafi Islam… Jihadi salafi Islam… muslim brotherhood Islam… Ash’arite Sunni Islam… Ibadi Islam… Ja’afari Twelver Islam… Wasat or balanced Islam… or al-Qaeda and Bin Laden’s Islam?

Take your hands off Islam and go do your empty-meaning rituals you believe in… go dye your beards with Henna… go shave off your moustaches… go take off your trousers since you believe they show your private parts or Awra back and front… then go read in history, civilization and politics and try to understand… and after you do understand, go do anything good for people; that mission that other non-Muslims did best.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Al Ahram newspaper on August 29, 2013.

To see the original article, go to:

#almasry_alyoum #ahmed_elgammal #Heikal #salafists #noor_party

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