Thursday, 1 August 2013

Too late…

In his daily article in Al-Shorouq newspaper wrote Mr. Fahmi Howeidi on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013 his article titled “mentioning some of what happened”… narrating details of an initiative based on an idea of the friend Nabil Morqos… counselor Mahmoud el-Khodeiri and others contributed to this initiative… and Mr. Howeidi was asked to deliver this initiative aiming at reconciliation and reform to the then-president; Muhammed Morsi… Mr. Howeidi found no one but Dr. Eng. Muhammed Ali Beshr to deliver it to the presidency… then initiative makers waited for the result…

But we can know the final result through reading the last two lines of Mr. Howeidi’s article published on July 3rd, 2013… I invite everyone interested to reread this article for the reasons I will later mention… in those two lines, wrote Mr. Howeidi literally: I do not know if the army was hasty in interfering or not… but I know very well that president Morsi was too late to listen to the voice of the masses in the streets.

That means there were already initiatives launched before all what happened… and it was presented by a diverse group of people… some of them are Christian Egyptians… some belong to political Islam ideology… and public figures who had great role in opposing Mubarak… and in such group, there were also some who are muslim brotherhood like Dr. Beshr for example… however, those in power did not listen or even see… and so Mr. Howeidi said on July 3rd, 2013 “I know very well that president Morsi was too late to listen to the voice of the masses in the streets”.

And so… due to the too late response in listening to the voice of masses in the streets, happened what we all witnessed… people poured in the streets in masses roaring… just like the great Nile flooding… it was a must that the president who did not listen to the people who brought him into power has to go away… those people who gave him legitimacy even before and after the elections.

It was also evident to know the historic reality of all this political ideology that claimed to represent religion while actually seeking a political mundane authority… that was not the surprise… what was really surprising is the extremely fast rate at which those in power revealed their true ideology and what they do believe in.

I here mean all parties and powers that claim to have religion as a reference; muslim brotherhood, their allies and likes… also including those considered for long time as balanced enlightened Islamic thinkers who take the international changes in their consideration before submitting their thoughts… I also mean foreign organizations, satellite channels and sponsor states!

Those thinkers like Tarek el-Beshri, Muhammed Salim el-Awwa and Fahmi Howeidi looked as if they totally disavow the catastrophic deterioration that muslim brotherhood made when they were in power… and which Howeidi summed up in his article as “too late in listening to the voice of the masses in the streets”… in my opinion, this phrase says all… because being late when you are president of Egypt is significantly different to being late when you are an employee working in Zagazig University and you are late in delivering your lecture or delivering the exams paper on time!... significantly here hints at the time and context together… it means that this lateness was deliberate and intentional… because repeating the same action again and again means that one insists on it.

That voice of the streets was not only of the roaring masses in June 30 and what followed it… but also included the whining of the mothers whose sons were killed in Sinai, Itihadyia and other places on the hands of those terrorists… also that of the fathers unable to provide the needs of their families… and the shouting of those who find no benzene for their cars from which they earn their living… also those who find no electricity to light their allies and homes… to the rest of the list which we all lived in those last nightmare-like twelve months.

Those thinker looked as if they are disavowing when they condemned the unity of the people and the army to save the country from that too late comer; Morsi… and when they made their initiatives to bring that too late comer along with his “people” or group which I think are the direct responsible for making him too late to listen to the voice of masses in the streets… because he listened to no one but them… those thinkers discussed what happened on a legal basis… while they were calling for settling things, they ignored the fact that the too late comer along with his group are now detained before the judicial authority over charges of spying, illicit gains, killing, incite on killing, insulting the judiciary… etc.

However those thinkers were blind and deaf when muslim brotherhood was an illegal group… when Muhammed Badei’e, Assem Abdel-Maged, Muhammed el-Beltagi, Essam el-Erian, Safwat Hegazi and others were shouting calling for the armed fighting and threatening with shedding blood and booby-traps… also when those shouts turned into actions in killing our sons in Sinai, Upper Egypt and Delta… those thinkers did not pay attention to the statements of those “generals” of Raba’a el-Adawiya when they said that they can stop the terrorist attacks in Sinai in a second if Morsi came back to power and they got the rule back!

I even heard and read that el-Awwa denied what prophet Muhammed – Peace be upon him – said about the army of Egypt when he described its soldiers as being the best on earth… I intended to write about it… but then changed my mind… because it is now between el-Awwa and the great prophet… if prophet Muhammed said so… either in clear words… or even hinted at this when he asked his companions to take care of Egypt’s Copts; meaning the Egyptians… then el-Awwa knows well the circle he got himself into… I also abstained for what I experienced myself with him… the situation I mean happened in a tri-dialogue that included me, him and the ex-Saudi ambassador at Cairo; Hesham en-Nazer about the holy family… meaning Mary the virgin, prophet Eissa, and Youssef El-Naggar… I may write later about this and the duplicity of discourse of those so-called enlightened.

Those initiatives that come after it is too late to listen to the voice of the Egyptian streets directly means ignoring the voice of those masses in the streets as if they do not exist… it also means disregarding the will of the public as if it does not exist… again it means to enable those who want to avenge from the Egyptian people to come once again to power… those who now have revenge with the Egyptian army; the best on earth whether they like this or not… and even if this fact is denied by those who have no Egyptian roots… and seems to disavow their Arab ones as well… because their ideology makes them believe they are above countries and nations… makes them believe that their ideology is a cult itself… even if the leaders of this cult are the “generals” of Raba’a el-Adawyia.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Al Ahram newspaper on August 1, 2013.

To see the original article, go to:

#alahram #ahmed_elgammal #fahmi_howeidi #selim_el_awwa #muhammed_morsi #muslim_brotherhood

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