Thursday, 26 September 2013

Salafists… Burhami as model

Here is the pit of salafists, into which they push us to fall into, turning into a deep abyss while our nation is still striving to get out of the muslim brotherhood’s hole we fell into…

However, that hole was about the identity of our country and the essence of this identity which I tackled in a previous article… but as to the abyss of salafists, it is about those people insisting not only on disrupting the moral, cultural and civilization roots established in Egypt two thousand years before the divine religions spread as detected by the genuine scholar James Henry Breasted in his book “The Dawn of Conscience”… but also on disrupting the good relations between the divine religions… I here mean God’s mercy ascribed to his deity in his holy book.

It is no longer about debating over religion or excerpting holy Quranic texts or sayings of prophet Muhammed which I believe those salafists may have not read while they are dedicating themselves to spread roughness, rudeness, cruelty and extremism maybe more than the Israelites themselves did… It is about a country in which we live and a world working hard to demand more rights for the animals, plants, seas, rivers, mountains, insects and air… while those salafists cease not to enflame fires of hatred and division among sons of the same country and sons of humanity… If we connected their concept of identity to their conceptions of common life in this country, we would have a vicious circle closing firmly around all of us allowing no one to escape outside…

The first level of common life and highest in degree is the family life where fatherhood, motherhood, filiation, family ties, affection and all that is mentioned in dictionaries of love of meanings and concepts.

I watched the video more than once… I watched it again to pay more attention and to try to comprehend… I stayed astonished reiterating “there is no power nor might save in Allah”… and to this moment in the evening of Monday September 23rd, 2013 as I am writing this article, I still cannot believe what I saw and heard in that video… I noticed the face expressions and hand gestures of that pediatrician who claims and others believe he belongs to Salafism… which is simply for those who properly understand and apply God’s law is what was understood and applied by Sahaba or companions of prophet Muhammed, followers, followers of followers and all who followed them faithfully until Judgment day.

The speaker was Yasser Burhami… it looked like a discussion session with people asking Burhami in religious matters because he kept repeating and affirming the meaning he wants using all words and examples he had. The question – as the answer seemed to tell – was about Muslim men marrying women of the people of the book; meaning Christians and Jews… and since it is almost impossible to find Jewish girls at the age of marriage in our society right now, discussion was accordingly over Christian women.

That was not the first time I listen to someone claiming to be Faqih in religion matters and who can issue Fatwas although it requires precise strict conditions that are simply rare to find at those claiming to be able to do such thing… as I have already watched and listened to Sheikh al-Mahallawi talking about the legality according to religion of Muslims congratulating Christians on their feasts… I wrote two articles over this in Almasry alyoum newspaper after I did my best and read a lot about what is mentioned in Quran and in prophet Muhammed’s Sunna regarding such issue… I found what I do not think Burhami and before him al-Mahallawi and all their likes have ever known… I believe their role model and mentor in such opinions is Ahmed Ibn Tayimmiya al-Harrani and all his likes of hardliners.

Burhami said that Muslim men can marry women of the people of book and went on explaining that this Muslim husband shall declare his hatred to his wife – in our case, the Christian – because of her religion… and that he would have committed a sin if he fell in love with her or greeted her and said hello… and that if he has to, then he shall address his greetings to his Muslim kids… meaning that in case he has no kids, then he shall not say hi to her.

Burhami, the salafist pediatrician, added that marital cohabitation does not necessitate love or affection… and gave examples of cases when having sex and satisfying lust are done by force without love… he asked denying: since when all sexual intercourse inside our marital lives was based on love?

In general, his talking was about inciting the Muslim husband to hate his non-Muslim wife and the necessity to let her feel that otherwise he would be considered absolutely sinful… and he kept citing texts supporting what he says!

I have no idea how can a human… second, Muslim… third, physician… forth, Dawaa preacher… ignore the essence of relationships between humans in general no matter what their gender, color, tongue or religious beliefs are… this essence is the soul that God created its partner out of it… not to mention that we worship one God and believe in one spiritual father; that is prophet Ibrahim, peace by upon him.

What is the opinion of Burhami and his likes of the Quranic verses… verse 62 of the chapter of Al-Baqara, verse 113 of the chapter of Al-i-Imran, verse 82 of the chapter of Al-Ma’ida and verse 8 of the chapter of Al-Mumtahina?… what is their opinion of God’s words in the chapter of Al-Hajj, verse 17: “Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, over all things, Witness.“?

If that was the stance of believers towards others including the Magians and those who associated with Allah; that only God will judge between them on the day of resurrection… you can imagine the case if it was a man with his wife who believes in God and whom Islam allowed him to marry and entrust on his honor, kids, money, his mother, father and home… not to mention that she and her folks are partners to him in this country that existed long time ago before the divine religions came and will stay in our hearts until judgment day.

How, for God sake, can we trust those who keep openly inciting and provoking the husband to hate his wife and to let his kids feel such thing on our country and the coming generations?... in such tiring, exhausting and actually disgusting context, I wonder: how filiation and motherhood would be among the children; boys and girls, who were brought up in such family where father does not say hi to the mother and does not show any affection or mercy towards her since all these are signs of love?... actually all what those children see are a door slammed and banged and sex practiced without any feelings.

I here ask Burhami and his likes if he ever saw, if he once lived in the countryside or saw any of the TV channels interested in animals’ life and behaviors, an insect, bird, reptile or mammal having sex without flirting, wooing, affection, tenderness and altruism… has he ever looked for once at the chickens when the male calls his female partners to pick up food before he does?

Haven’t Burhami and his likes ever heard of prophet Muhammed’s orders in practicing marital cohabitation and his warning that man shall not have sex with his wife without showing love and affection in advance?

Hasn’t he read the verses that speak of the high-moral essence of relationship between spouses without hinting at their religious beliefs?

Damn this life empty of love or affection… what a miserable family that which enjoys no feelings or affection.

People of Egypt… beware... the pit turned to an abyss.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Al Ahram newspaper on September 26, 2013.

To see the original article, go to:

#alahram #ahmed_elgammal #Egypt #salafists #yasser_burhami

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