Thursday, 12 September 2013

To salafist gentlemen…

In a previous article, I wrote about the hole of muslim brotherhood that while we are still trying to get out of it, we fell in the pit of salafists!

That hole of muslim brotherhood was the abyss where the nation fell down after it thought that with muslim brotherhood in power, we will be able to lean against a tough wall and stand on a solid ground again after long time… but we discovered that this wall is nothing but lines of bricks drawn in shining colors on a loose sheet of paper… and that this land is nothing but dry leaves and grass… once we stood on it, we fell deep down… we also discovered that those abluted hands are soaked in blood… and that muslim brotherhood claiming to call for the way of God, know nothing about his true teachings of Islam.

And here we come to the pit of salafists who claim to be defending the Islamic identity and that they are guardians of religion… I have already bet that salafists know nothing about the term and context of identity… and how this term developed from time to time… and that a country like France for example was very serious about this identity issue...

Here I invite the salafist gentlemen and all others to read a book titled “Identity of France”… it consists of two volumes, authored by Fernand Braudel and translated and edited by Mr. Bashier es-Sebae’i… this translation is issued by the National Centre for Translation affiliated to the ministry of culture of Egypt.

This matter of identity shall not be underestimated, like fanaticism and ignorance claiming to be defending religion do… as religion is far from fanaticism, ignorance and hypocrites.

Man contemplates a lot about those verses of Quran guiding us to the importance and necessity of respecting diversity; meaning different cultures and religions… also to respect the cultural layers accumulated throughout the historical ages of the one society… in addition to those verses, prophet Muhammed – Peace be upon him –approved that Muslim shall benefit from all that is good before he was sent prophet… and he did not deny that Muslims shall learn from other nations.

There is verse no. 285 of Al-Baqara chapter saying: “The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We make no distinction between any of His messengers." And they say, "We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination… there is also the verse no. 62 of the same chapter saying: “Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve… and verse no. 17 of Al-Hajj chapter saying: “Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, over all things, Witness”.

I am about to shout loud: ooh Allah… how beautiful your words are!

These verses indicate that diversity and respecting it is a must… even that kind of diversity that includes deep disagreement over beliefs… such thing was admitted and Muslims were ordered to postpone such disagreement until God does his judgment on the day of resurrection.

I have already written before that it is better and more comprehensive in my opinion that our identity is described only as Egyptian… this is all.

To me, the Egyptian identity definitely includes all components and layers of Egyptian civilization, culture and conscience since the first Egyptian settled on the banks of the River Nile valley thousands of years ago… this is according to the time aspect.

As to the place aspect in our present time we live, the Egyptian identity guarantees the existence of all subsidiary components whether of ethnic nature like the Amazighens of some people of oases, especially Siwa… in addition to what the Nubians and some of the eastern, western and Sinai people may think that they have certain ethnic origins… adding to this the Christian, and not Coptic, Egyptians– since all the Egyptians are Copts – who represent a main component of the Egyptian identity.

Then it is really broader, more comprehensive and deeper than what the Egyptian salafists think and even claim to be defending the Islamic identity… such broadness and depth is what enriches the human existence of all Egypt… and allow it to benefit from the creativity of its people throughout its history; old, middle, modern and contemporary… also to benefit from others who came to Egypt either to live or to invade… since the waves of big migration in pre-historic ages until invasion waves in the old, middle and modern history… such creativity interacted with the Egyptian cultural and civilization composition to produce an absolutely great sophisticated conscience.

And as it is said that the true Muslim is the one who believes in all divine religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam… also the true Egyptian is the one who does not deny his old origins and all that connect to them until our present moment.

Now… you salafist gentlemen… look for something useful to do instead of claiming this thing of representing the nation’s identity and falsely pretending to defend one of its main components; that is the Arab component which Islam and Arab Christianity represent the most important part of its backbone.

For the thousand times, I ask you to read and understand because reading is a divine order to the Muslim just like orders to pray, give Zakat, fast, Hajj and all that is generally known about religion… and because understanding is the only way to distinguish between humans and animals.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Al Ahram newspaper on September 12, 2013.

To see the original article, go to:

#alahram #ahmed_elgammal #Egypt #identity #salafists

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