Thursday, 27 February 2014

Egypt martyrs in Libya

It’s certain that those Libyan criminals who shot dead seven Christian Egyptian citizens do not know that Christianity has entered Egypt through Libya where Saint Mark used to live in Cyrenaica or Barqah and before that, he was in the company of Saint Peter in Rome.

It’s also certain that those criminals who dared to commit this racist crime – more vicious than those of Nazi and Fascism – do not know that Libyan-origin priests have contributed to the richness and diversity of the Christian theology in Egypt and the region as well, like the Alexandrian priest Arius who was born there.

Again, it’s certain that those murderers do not know that the Pope of the Egyptian Church has an official historical ecclesiastical title where names of the five cities and the rest of Africa are proudly mentioned it… and most of those cities lie in Libya.

Also, it’s certain that those racist criminal murderers do not pay attention for a single moment to the fact that Islam has entered Libya through Egypt and that those martyrs’ ancestors were the first to welcome the Arab Muslims and deal with them… and who also didn’t join the Romans in their fighting against the them.

I say certain because of the ignorance we live in and which led to poorness in intellect, feelings and conscience… we lived such ignorance in Egypt during the time of the terrorist muslim brotherhood cancer and all who had the same ideology… this happened in Egypt with all what we know about its civilization, culture, intellect, knowledge and history written in eternal human records… so you can imagine the effect of such cancer in environment other than Egypt…

This ugly racist crime committed against Christian Egyptian citizens shall not go unpunished despite I know that the economic, security and political situation of Egypt does not enable it to take decisions or actions to mercilessly punish those criminals… I also know that the Libyan government is in a very critical situation… but all this shall not prevent us from taking actions on all levels to revenge these martyrs… first by adequately compensating their families… and second by working on returning all our sons from there and providing them with jobs in their country… so that we can pay attention to what is more important and dangerous in my opinion…

The most important and dangerous is that we have known the nature of this phenomenon and have documented using tens of documentation and recording means the cruel crimes committed by this racist criminal group… and so it’s due that we act on the level of regional and international organizations to criminalize such criminal group and contain it… also to generalize its terrorist nature…

Also, resisting such terrorist group along with all its forms and symbols has become a national duty above being cultural and civilized one… we shall not pay attention to all callings coming from time to time claiming to seek reform, reconciliation and unity like before while they are all ill-intentioned callings and those who launch them are not above reproach.

We shall not let such racist crime go unpunished without resisting, lest we shift to other levels of killing over religious identity, doctrine or even national identity; meaning those who have different nationalities…etc.

Also, we shall take a proper reaction toward the American and European West; meaning NATO, which interfered to hit and dismantle then-existing regime at the time when Libyan people were gathering around it either because they were afraid of the regime or because they were loyal to it… we are not about to assess the Gaddafi regime now as I have already written about my stance regarding this by condemning despotism, corruption, ignorance and arrogance… all these were signs of that regime.

However, while NATO hastened to topple the regime by force, they did not present an alternative to replace the toppled regime… it’s obvious now that chaos, destruction and dismantling the Libyan society were the alternative on NATO’s agenda…

We shall take this horrendous crime committed against peaceful Egyptian citizens just because they are non-Muslims, a starting point to adopt a more intense cultural and political discourse toward the West to say out loud: these are the results of what you planned for the region.

It’s time the new Egyptian cabinet, along with the presidency which is supposed to be headed by Field Marshal Sisi, set plans to protect the Egyptians abroad and also to protect and guarantee their dignity and rights.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Al Ahram newspaper on February 27, 2014.

To see the original article, go to:

#alahram #ahmed_elgammal #Egypt #Libya

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