Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Nasser – Kennedy… model for Egyptian-American ties

Some lied and even believed their own lie… they spread it and made it an inarguable truth and didn’t pay attention to… first, they are liars… second, they deceived people and misled them; meaning they spread false news in the society… and third, they caused harm to both nation and history as well!

The lie is that post-July 23rd, 1952 revolution Egypt and the person of Gamal Abdel-Nasser was the cause of animosity towards the United States of America and the West in general… and that the July, 1952 revolution and Nasserism had “phobia” of Americans… to the rest of the lie propagated by those liars… enemies of the July, 1952 revolution and Nasser… Those enemies have existed since the first law of agricultural reform came to eminence on September, 1952 and they extend in space from private-owned villages and counties to fenced resorts… adding also saloons of those pretending to be aristocrats and bragging liberals!

The lie is proved null by documents, facts and events… Egypt has never – nor in the time of the July, 1952 revolution or later when ruled by Nasser – been behind the cross-Atlantic stances opposing the independence of the Egyptian will… because history tells us that the Egyptian delegation which went to the Paris Peace Conference on 1919 following World War I to demand independence for Egypt – as per American president Wilson’s principles – found no answer… both from Europe and America.

I have received a book, through my decent friend engineer Abdel-Hakim Gamal Abdel-Nasser tilted “The historic letters between Kennedy and Nasser” translated to Arabic by Dr. Anis Morsi… The book is a PhD. Thesis in the department of history at Melbourne University in Australia, presented by the diplomat, politician and British thinker William Yates, law graduate of Oxford University on 1947, holder of Education certificate on 1975 from Melbourne University, ex-MP of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom on 1955, ex-member of the Australian Federal Parliament from 1975 to 1980, member of many parliamentary committees in Britain and Australia, ex-officer in the British army and ex-governor of the Australian island of Christmas… he had already met with president Nasser and discussed many issues with him several times.

The PhD. thesis tackles the first days of the Cold War in the middle east since the year 1947 and until president Kennedy was assassinated on November, 1963… and the international problems and wars that followed the establishment of the state of Israel and the eminence of the Arab Nationalism after the July 23rd, 1952 revolution… the thesis also tackles the policy of president Truman and retract in president Eisenhower’s political belief… then change in the American policy in the era of president Kennedy and his initiative to solve the Arab-Palestinian conflict.

Before going deeper into the main purpose of these lines; that is the dimensions of the distinguished relation between Nasser and John F. Kennedy as a model for the Egyptian-American relationship… I stand long before what the writer of the book called “role of characters in the international crises”… we find three names for three Jewish and Zionist characters who had horrible effect on the policies of the United States and orientations of American presidents; Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy…

First character is Edward Jacobson or Eddie…

Known in political circles as “Eddie”… he had five brothers and sisters… of Jewish origin from Lithuania… he used to live in New York but moved to Kansas City at the age of 14 to work in his father’s shop but later became an important businessman in the textile industry… when he was in the American army, he served along with Harry S. Truman late in the year of 1917… a friendship started between them that later developed into a business partnership after Truman sold the cattle and agricultural machinery in his family’s farm for 15 thousands USD… and together they launched a commercial shop in the city of Kansas in Missouri state… they named the shop Truman-Jacobson… Business flourished at first but later on 1922, they met big financial difficulties and were burdened with debts and partnership between them ended but friendship did not.

Jacobson’s effect over Truman in the early 1948 is a clear example how persons can affect officials to change the international policy as Jacobson convinced president Truman to change his policy regarding Palestine…

Margret; president Truman’s daughter, wrote about her father’s life saying: “I don’t think my father has discussed with Jacobson about politics except in superficial, simple and spontaneous occasions… but reports have proved that whenever Truman goes to Kansas, they used to meet their friends there and eat together… and whatever said by authorities about Eddie Jacobson, he was close to Zionist organizations.. and to the White House and its staff as well… especially, in the critical time when the United Nations was demonstrating the issue of dividing Palestine and establishing a national state for the Jews”.

When the USA intention to postpone the division resolution came to light, Israel has pressed on Jacobson to interfere and convince Truman to meet Chaim Weizmann; president of the international Zionist Organization… knowing that Truman had always refused to meet him or any other who is pro-Jews… he had already refused to meet him on February, 1948 but later succeeded in meeting Truman in the next month in March, 1948… and a secret meeting was scheduled between them on March 18, 1948... I have already mentioned such meeting before to prove that some people can affect the international policies… such meeting had already resulted in the USA full support for Israel and its protection… and so, we can say that Jacobson had helped establish the state of Israel.

Second character is Goda Naditch…

He used to work in the American army on 1942 as a cleric who served in North Ireland, Britain and France… his central station was in Europe as a counselor for army clerics regarding the Jewish religion… later, he was called by General Eisenhower to work as his advisor for the Jewish religious affairs… his work was focused on the problems of Jews fleeing Europe… when he was first recruited, he was commissioned to 300 days work… but later stayed in this position until the war ended.

Naditch was working on refugees… Jews in particular… and on affecting the Commander in Chief of the American armies; General Eisenhower… and so, all Europe became interested in refugees, especially the Jews who suffered the poison gas chambers…

Here, there was no doubt regarding Naditch effect over Eisenhower… the thing which made him take care of refugees in Europe, especially Jews… he also paid a visit to the camp of the Jewish refugees situated next to Munich on September 17, 1945 and said to them: “I’m very happy to visit this camp, especially on this religious occasion (Yom Kippur)… you are here temporarily and you should be patient because you will go to the places you want”… the administration of the camp and the Zionist organization had prepared a memo known as Eisenhower’s memo asking him to open immigration to Palestine and to establish a Jewish state…

Three days later after this visit, Eisenhower issued a memorandum to the United Nations titled “the United Nations and situation of refugees and those who belong to them”… this memorandum included Naditch’s recommendations to his superiors including Eisenhower… the memorandum also contained recommendations to give priority for the Jewish refugees in jobs than to Germans… and to provide them with provisions and food and give vegetables to the refugees’ camps including Jews…

Eisenhower confesses that he, along with his brothers, had been brought up on the commandments of the Old Testament… and it’s said that he used to say: “I was raised up believing that Jews are the chosen people and that they gave us principles, manners and civilization… and Jews shall know they will find no friend more loyal to them then me”… when Jews heard this in the camp of refugees, they believed they can go wherever they want… and the first place was Palestine… and because they were so many… and they knew that will stir anger among Arabs for Europe wanted to repay them as an admission of guilt… and knowing that they give what they don’t own to those who don’t deserve… the government of Palestine under the British Mandate had decided to establish a camp for them in Cyprus to host the huge number of Jewish refugees…

Third character is Abraham Feinberg…

Abraham or “Abe” was a rich man who got his fortune from selling clothes and formal costumes… he worked in different business until he got the commercial proxy of Cocacola in Israel on 1947…

Feinberg has played an important role in the international policy during the presidency of Kennedy after he helped president Harry S. Truman in his presidential elections’ campaign for the Democratic Party on 1948… especially when the campaign was struck be financial crisis and was in bad need of cash support to continue… so, Feinberg saved the situation by donating 60,000 USD to the party… and indeed, the party had succeeded in his presidential campaign… the thing that made Truman send a 7-page thanking letter to Feinberg…

Feinberg was not only a supporter of the Democratic Party presidential campaign, but also a president for Support Israel Organization… he believed that Israel should have a nuclear weapon… and so, he worked hard to collect the money needed to build the Nuclear Reactor in Dimona… Israel couldn’t provide the money from the USA aids using common ways… and so, Feinberg worked on collecting the money needed for this project… then-Israeli minister of defense, Shimon Peres, then declared that Dimona nuclear reactor costed Israel not a single cent and that it was funded by Jewish millionaires interested in that project… then-Israeli PM, David Ben-Gurion and his finance minister, Shimon Peres have participated in not hiding the matter of Dimona nuclear reactor and its industrial capabilities to produce nuclear weapons... Feinberg was alos an important member in raising funds for the presidential elections' campaign of president Kennedy on 1960... and as a result, he had an influence on Kennedy.

Feinberg’s task to hide the secret of Dimona was easy for he was in connection with Myer Feldman who was appointed by Kennedy as his advisor for the Jewish affairs and Israel after he was his assistant in the presidential elections’ campaign… despite he hadn’t concealed his sympathy with Israel, he was acquainted with the White House letters to the middle east… and such thing caused embarrassment for McGeorge Bundy; Kennedy’s advisor for National Security.

Communications between Feinberg and Feldman and then-Israel PM David Ben-Gurion and his defense minister Shimon Peres extended for a long time… Feinberg said about Peres that “whenever he meets me and asks for help… I give him”… Feinberg was also proud of supporting Israel and its secret weapons… despite that the White House administration and Kennedy in person tried not to let Israel or Egypt manufacture nuclear weapons, Dimona was working in total secrecy under the nose of the American administration and with American funds collected by Feinberg… non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was a priority of Kennedy’s policy and that was the reason behind dispatching McCloy to the middle east as told by Hermann Eilts when I met him.

As I said in the first part of the research, Kennedy was upset when he knew about it… he wanted to sent inspection teams but Feinberg opposed such thing… and when Kennedy insisted, Feinberg was worried and he once declared “Kennedy insistence on inspection left no choice to Israel and it was my duty to tell them – meaning Israel – about his insistence… my mission was difficult and included some kind of deceiving”… I have fought the most violent battle in my life to prevent Kennedy from surveying a full inspection… and I even interfered personally more than once after I was told by Feldman about what was going in the While House…

Letters exchanged between Nasser and Kennedy in the time from 1961 to 1963 reached 24 letters dated as follows… from Nasser to Kennedy on February 20, 1961… Kennedy’s reply on March 1, 1961… fourteen letters on 1961… two letters on 1962; October 22, 1962 and October 31, 1962… then eight letters on 1963…

All letters clearly reveal that there was no total match between the stances of the United Arab Republic and those of the USA… but mutual regard and respect reveal that a small state from the third world, recently got rid of a foreign British occupation that lasted for 70 years, was able to win the respect of the biggest and strongest state in the modern world; that is the USA that won the World War II.

I apologize for not being able to publish all the letters… not even full two letters between the two men for the space is limited, but I will excerpt some paragraphs that denote the mutual respect between the two leaders.

In his letter dated on May 11, 1961… John F. Kennedy wrote: “… regarding the relations between the United Arab Republic and the United States, I admit that our points of view over key matters are not always the same… in the same time however, I feel delighted because relations between us are still running in many fields in a way that is beneficial for both sides… and because the aids provided by the USA in certain amounts and for a certain purpose have played an important role in the renaissance and development program which you put down accurately…….

You know I have already appealed to the Congress to approve on the USA participation in preserving the antiquities of Nuba… and that we still welcome hundreds of students coming from the United Arab Republic who have submitted to American institutes to continue their studies and education… ambassador Reinhart have told me during his late discussions in Washington about the great program set by the United Arab Republic to establish an industrial base that guarantees achieving well-fare and raising standards of living for all your citizens…I’m especially delighted for we could manage, in many times and in adequate circumstances, to provide the selling of big quantities of wheat and other stuff to the United Arab Republic for we believe in the importance that once the people could have full diet food………

I hope such beneficial cooperation between both sides can continue… I also hope you may see use of my point of view over the middle east… and due to the long history of the amicable relations between the Arab people and the American people and due to the connectivity between all people who aspire to be free, I’d like to make sure you and other Arab leaders have no mistaken idea about our stance regarding the Arab people…….

Our stance still contains loyal friendship… and I believe the future will enrich the amicable ties between our countries and peace-loving peoples as long as this relation is based on mutual respect of each other’s opinions and on mutual concern to enhance the status of mankind… and also based on the common contribution in the special efforts to eliminate causes of international tension”……..

Yours Sincerely,
John F. Kennedy

That’s how Kennedy spoke of Egypt’s accurate plans and its orientation towards industrialization… and its role in international politics and mutual respect!

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Almosawwer magazine on July 20, 2016… item no. 4789.

To see the original article, go to:

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