Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Opinions regarding alternative (1)

First, I’d like to say many happy returns to everyone… may you all be well… the feast has come but we have nothing to say but to excerpt the words of the poet al-Mutannabbi who said:
Feast… how did you come again?
Like the last time… or with something new this time.
As to lovers… long distances separate us.
I wish you didn’t come while they are away.

I don’t want to go on mourning our martyrs of brave army and policemen… also civilians including Christian clergymen who all paid their life in sacrifice for their country.

Now I move to what we have talked about in last week’s article regarding the question imposed by my friend, the elite Arab thinker and media man Mr. Ghassan Tahboob. He inquired about the alternative that is supposed to fill the space resulting from rejecting the muslim brotherhood movement and all their likes who claim to be the only reference for Islam that must be followed.

It was very favorable that I received a lot of comments on the subject discussed through my e-mail and Facebook page. Of course, the space allocated for the article will not be enough to publish all I received – and they are all important participations including those disagreeing – so I beg your pardon to publish only some of them.

I start by the blame directed by Dr. Wael Lutfi, professor in Cairo University, who has already given me a copy of his book “regaining identity”. In this book, a civilized model with all the criteria we talked about and looking for in an alternative was depicted. I here apologize for Dr. Wael for I haven’t written a review on his book so that readers can know about the importance of this book and that was due to painful health problems that disabled me for a long time but I promise I will do. Now, I shall lay before you what Mr. Tahboob said to explain the idea which I published without him expecting me to do such thing. His lines represent the main idea of the subject we tackle.

And I here excerpt some of them:”… what I wrote was nothing but what a man thinking in loud voice would say due to the knowledge he gained for his interest and keen daily follow for half a century for the events, ideas, and developments in our Arab world and the whole world. If I knew that Mr. Ahmed Elgammal would publish my message, I would have cared more about ordering ideas and maybe add more… but I will narrate some of them… our generation has embraced big dreams and saw them break one after another… we saw attempts for union failing… we saw countries squashed… others dismantling… we saw Israel going more tyrant and expanding… we saw the whole world changing around us while our Arab world stayed still… also, our generation has witnessed empires falling down… others going stray believing in illusions of end of history and clash of civilizations… we witnessed all these illusions falling down as the theory saying that the end of history is set by the decisive victory for capitalism is contradicting itself by the global financial crisis that took place in 2008 with its percussions still affecting us until today… also, clash of civilizations is apparent the most inside the West itself, for example, that continuing rise for the ultra-far right in Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, and others… ringing the bell for a probable new fascism on the way… and here before our eyes, we can see the dilemma of the European Union before and after Brexit voting… and Britain itself which divided vertically and domestically over supporters and opponents… crisis in Russia’s relations with the USA and Europe… all those are considered branches of the Western civilization tree… and the scene is complete when we look at the deep division in the USA on the domestic level which is well-revealed by the rise of the ultra-far right presidential candidate Donald Trump.

I enlist all those changes that took place during two decades – and they are nothing but abridged headlines and very small part of all – to let you know that we are not the only ones going through huge changes… not the only ones feeling uncertainty regarding the future. Modern and post-modernization states and communities are haunted by uncertainty due to economic recession, rise of unemployment rates, growing of populism, and distrust in the capability of official institutions to find solutions for domestic crises. These states and communities are going through huge changes that are not less severe than those faced by our Arab region except that they are violence and blood-free until now… however violence rates can be seen; the latest was the assassination of a British member of parliament on the hands of a British fanatic who considered her human commitment a betrayal to her country!! And like what happened to us when we were forced and pulled to the past and attempts to cancel our future… today, the same thing happens when some western nations are dragged to the fanatic national past that produced Nazism, Fascism and caused two world wars.

After five years and more of what the western media called “the Arab Spring”, I guess the Arab world has become more aware of itself and the dilemmas it faces… also more aware of progress requirements and positive changes needed, ahead of them is to maintain the state and its institutions whatever criticism we have over their behavior as the alternative to the state and its institutions are the unknown, destruction, violence militia, accusations of blasphemy, killing… all these pretexts used by some regional and international powers to serve their interests like what we all saw in Syria, Libya, Yemen and Iraq…

Like everyone, I felt pain for the destiny that countries of that so-called Spring ended to but when the Egyptians succeeded in retaking their country in that same day three years ago, my pain ended… when Arab countries gathered around Egypt that is coming back to its people, that represented a light in the end of that “Spring” tunnel… If Egypt rises, the whole Arab world will do… if the Egyptian nationalism is fine (like once said by our Master, Mr. Ahmed Bahaa ed-Din), then the Arab nationalism will be fine… I’m optimistic about the future… I also would like to say that “Spring” that took place more than five years and more has long been late… may be more than a hundred years late, during which, our life in the Arab world has been filled with vagueness, confusion of establishing standards and its practical depictions: like citizenship, the national state, democracy, progress, modernization, good governance, inability to shape the relation between religion and state… between religion and politics… this vagueness and unsubstantiated speech have to come to an end… and they are already… but slowly”.

Then Mrs. Magda Abaza, the one with the determined national stance and enlightened thinking and whom I care about reading every line she writes, wrote: “we are witnessing now an era of huge changes in our region and the international circles… all parties are trying to outline new policies right now since the book is open… unfortunately, we have no political powers on ground ready to do any collective work as many of them have fell in the mire of foreign funds and subordination while the rest lacks many things I believe everybody knows about… But the Egyptian state is firmly rising despite all obstacles it has in the institutions and corruption spread through many decades gone… and it is fully aware of its role and it’s regaining it along with all glory of Egyptian heritage… the experiment this time is positively different because it depends on people away from traditional plans or supportive political entities, despite the difficulty of this because it increases the state dependency on pure instinct… today, in addition to the necessity to push in the way of changing some laws obstructing to restructuring those institutions, the state is in need of every active cadre to be in position and working hard… we shall even recall that spirit of the War of Attrition… I hope we can all live up to the challenges we face…

Also, Dr. Gamal Hassan, the novelist and Psychiatry professor in Britain, wrote: “building the individual aware of the era we are passing through by freeing him from poverty and need is the first to do… and there are efforts exerted by the state along with its institutions to get rid of the slums and reintegrate the people living there… also to provide goods at competitive prices… we shall do this to prevent anyone from affecting this individual while voting… I also believe that a preliminary balance in foreign policy is getting clearer each day to reach an equation that can balance between the nation interests and not provoking the ever-lying-in-wait powers in the region whatever masks they wear…

As to Dr. Ahmed Morsi, he invited us all to discuss saying: “it is damn serious and we need to think outside that box filled with misery… let us all meet after the feast to open that box… let us have another box gathering all of us… I invite you all to participate.

Mr. Salah Hegazi wrote: “this question about the alternative is just what Shakespeare once said “that is the question” in his epic, Hamlet!!! This question is not new at all… it was imposed before since the setbacks of the Arab renaissance age starting from the beginning of the nineteenth century and the defeat of all efforts to change the traditional culture in pre-modernization communities as described by the French sociologist Durkheim who wrote and corrected what the German sociologist Tönnies said… as long as the society along with its social and economic structures are pre-modern, then the danger of muslim brotherhood and salafists coming back is still standing… this danger is gone only when the society changes from a consumer into a productive industrial one… only then, this society will depend on productive professional ties and religion merchants will have no role to play… we shall detail that later…

Finally, I come to what my friend, Mr. Osama Affifi editor-in-chief of al-Fekr al-Moa’ser, wrote: “believe me Ahmed… Arab nationalism is the answer… only the Arab Nationalism ideology will help protect this nation from sectarianism, racism, tribal fanaticism and subordination… it will open the door for a progressive freeing human Arab formula… now is the role of loyal Arab nationalist to reconsider the contemporary Arab thought and to engage with the changing reality to come up with a progressive Arab alternative only from Egypt that is recovering now despite all setup plans against her and the region.

In the coming article, I shall publish more opinions that are not less important… thus widening the circle of discussion regarding the question asking “what is the alternative after muslim brotherhood and their likes are gone?!”

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Almasry alyoum newspaper on July 6, 2016.

To see the original article, go to:

#almasry_alyoum #ahmed_elgammal #Egypt #alternative

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