Thursday, 17 October 2019

Those disturbed by “Al Mamarr[1]”!

During certain historical circumstances – I believe they are already known for people of knowledge – patriotism and also treason turn into points of view and liberty of expressing one’s opinion. Such circumstances are usually described as times of deterioration that some wish they never end and even feel sorry that our country works hard to put an end to such times to set off towards freedom and progress.

You see those people feeling bitter of concepts, ideas and practices witnessed by nations during their historical development, especially in times of seeking liberation from the old colonialism and standing against the new colonialism… also during times of broad social classes rising from the abyss of social injustice and underdevelopment. You also see and hear those people feeling disgusted that the poor may reach high ranks in education and occupy elite positions.

What is more astonishing is that one can see and hear them feeling nostalgic over certain eras which they claim their parents and grandparents were icons and figures then, and that what prevailed of occupation, social injustice and underdevelopment in such times were nothing but the common reality and God’s rules.

It happened that I was sitting to a table in a social club where many respected people and also many of those who call themselves businessmen and descendants of Pashas go there. Before continuing, I would like to confirm that I do not mean that all belonging to such bunch are so, nor do I judge others. I also do not grant or deny warrants of patriotism and humane commitment, as there are some whose ancestors came to Egypt and became Egyptians, and who accumulated fortunes of financial, real estate and land possessions and occupied prestigious positions and who proved to be genuine examples of national commitment, elite ethics and humane nobility. In this article, I talk about those representing cases of extreme intellectual and political oddity.

I was sitting to a table – as per the place geography – near to other tables where a mix of those who use the word “business” in defining themselves, and those so-called “elite” people who found the chance in such circumstances of deterioration to practice patriotism as a point of view, and as a result, they have no concrete definition of treason in their glossary.

Their voices became louder and some words scattered to reach my ears despite my nose. I heard them commenting over “Al Mamarr” movie which did not appeal to them as, first, it led to the Israelis being “upset” and “thank God that things are settled down now… and there is peace and co-existence, and we hoped for more specially that the Arab countries came to their senses and started having relations with Israel in public”…

The words between quotations are not mine; it is an excerpt of what I heard by chance at that night. After this came the comments saying: “Yeah… it is okay to have movies talking about patriotism, but they must be processed in a way that does not make people remember the slogans and talking of Nasser and the communists”!

Afterwards followed the phrases that I believe represent the manifestation of such issue of “treason and patriotism as points of view”! as one of them puffed out his cigarette smoke and coughed for his voice to become clear saying in slang language what could be interpreted in press language to the following: “We are peoples and nations which are said to be – and is certain – the seed of underdevelopment and tyranny. We are governed by concepts, traditions and ideas where lazy dependency is misunderstood to be believing in God’s fate and so on… that is why we deserve what we are in right now… we deserved to be occupied by the respected invaders since the times of Persians, Greeks, Romans, and after them the French and the British.

I wish Israel had entered Cairo and ruled us… it could have been possible that we have no problems of water, desert, underdevelopment in education, health services, irrigation and others… peoples are like individuals throughout their life time, as there are some who remain minors dwelling in their childhood, or others who become so old that they become incapable of taking control of their lives… and so, they assign guardians for them during the childhood time and also during their aging…

In both cases, there are others controlling their lives, decisions and fortunes… therefore, it was better for us if the Jews stayed and Israel took command of sovereignty over the whole region… and so, the movie includes a relapse to the times of populism talk that led to all the disasters we have”!

This is how they think, as the rest of their talk was to practically confirm such gibberish of treason, as some of them talked of himself seeking assistance from the Israelis in agriculture, and some spoke of that agreement regarding accepting the Egyptian products of textiles provided that they contain a percentage of an Israeli component… to the rest of that twisted way of thinking!

They were appalled and disturbed by the success of “Al Mamarr” movie; the idea, direction, acting and massive broad welcome by all Egyptian people of different social classes, ages, professions and geographical areas.

There were more and more disturbed of the determination to repeat this experiment by producing similar movies tackling the epics of this people and its armed forces and paying tribute to the ones who did their best for the benefit of the military service; workers, peasants, engineers, doctors, technicians and others… even the criminals abstained from committing their crimes feeling ashamed!

As to those we are talking about, they have no glimpse of feeling ashamed.

Translated by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Al Ahram newspaper on October 17, 2019.

To see the original Arabic article, go to:

[1] Al Mamarr: transliteration for the Arabic word الممر which means the passage in English. This is the name of an Egyptian drama movie tackling the time of the 1967 war.

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