Wednesday 30 December 2015

Scientific origin of ugliness phenomenon

I received many notes and comments in response to last week’s article about phenomenon of ugliness and ribaldry prevailing in some satellite channels; most significant of those comments was what Mr. Ahmed Lutfi, senior professor of aviation physics and ex-chancellor of the British Aircraft Corporation, wrote.

Before presenting the message he wrote, I’d like first to praise his wealth of information and what I learn from him, for I receive fresh authentic information in a literary-scientific style we were used to long time ago when we were school-age children. I’d like also to affirm that I do appreciate all comments I receive – whether agreeing or disagreeing to my opinions –and consider this a positive experience I do cherish like I value writing to Almasry alyoum newspaper which – in my opinion – still plays a significant role in forming the public opinion and enlightening it through dialogue running between its writers and editors on one side and readers on the other side.

Here is what he wrote:

Good evening…
First of all, happy new year and many happy returns on the occasion of celebrating Prophet Muhammed’s birthday which happened to take place this year along with that celebrating Prophet Jesus’ birthday, Peace be upon both of them.
Here we are bidding a year farewell and welcoming a new one hopefully wishing to be better than the past one praying for God to fulfill our wish.
Regarding your last article titled “ugliness here… deception there” and what you discussed in the first issue, I’d like to say I have both a comment and an illustration. As to the phenomenon of ugliness and ribaldry that has dominated some satellite channels and currently running and recurring on some media anchors’ tongues, and the axiom you made clear that generalization in making judgments and taking stances is a wrong deed that may be considered to be a sin, as you literally said in your article last week, is completely true.
Actually sir, I believe we have to adopt another more general and comprehensive angle to take a look at the whole scene. Media – surely you know better about what is happening in this field – is a mirror reflecting the society with all its stumbling events and incidents. Those responsible and working in this field in addition to those funding them – whether businessmen owning satellite channels or advertising agencies – are part of this society; they live in it and work according to its ruling laws and common customs. It’s no surprise then when we read, hear, and watch all these ribaldry and obscenity that are odd to traditional ethics and contradicting common values.
Well… I will go a little bit far away from this controversial issue and tell you about the phenomenon of ribaldry that invaded and is still dominating our Egyptian society like an epidemic disease. Back to the roots of this phenomenon and its historical and medical scientific origins, it’s known as Tourette Syndrome. Symptoms of this disease appear in a chronic disorder in movement characterized by multiple vocal or physical jerks coming from the patient himself. Here, the patient loses all control over his movements and words which most of the time are obscene and abusive ones. It’s no doubt ribaldry has many forms and styles. For example, verbal ribaldry is one kind of those styles however it’s not the only one as there are other behaviors that are ribald to say the least starting by interrupting talk and not ending by attacking the speaker, ridiculing his words and mocking him, not to mention the comments you read on others’ opinions on social media which has become in certain aspects a platform to exchange verbal abuse and insults. That makes you feel those ribald vocals have different genes holding ribaldry chromosomes more than any other genetic qualities.

Let me tell you more about this known pathological condition known as Tourette syndrome. In 1884, a French physician named Gilles de la Tourette had diagnosed nine patients as having a bizarre genetic disease whose symptoms were represented by tic disorder of muscular spasms and very obscene insults. Dr. Tourette had diagnosed Marquis de Dampierre, the matronly old Marquise, with this disease as she used to make involuntary movements associated with sudden vocalizations and outbursts of obscenities. She had had this disease since she was seven. Actually, there are other cases prior to diagnosing this disease; as a French nobleman – unfortunately my poor memory cannot help me remember his name right now – used to be hand-tied behind his back for he used to make obscene remarks using his finger in the presence of King Louis XIV (1638 – 1715); meaning the man was afflicted with this disorder before it was even known in medicine. As to insults and obscene wording said in every occasion without need, it’s a symptom for a disease called Coprolalia. In this disease, ribald insults spontaneously come out of the patient even if he was not provoked! The same thing applies when the patient makes obscene remarks using his hand or continuously touches his genitals; which is known as Copropraxia. I believe you still remember what Morsi[1] did during his meeting with the Australian female Prime Minister. A third kind; known as Coprographia, is about obsession to write ribald words especially on walls (notice the obscene words written on pubic WCs’ walls to make sure the disease is already spread and we have a long medical history in this!) There is also obsession to display naked body before the other sex to draw their repugnance which too was a common custom at a time when women dwelling in popular alleys used to adopt as a viable means to disgrace, scandalize, and defame their enemies. A whole generation is feeding daily over this table of ribaldry; more than half the Egyptians practice daily such kind of ribaldry. Taxi drivers for example; they are very ribald and don’t hesitate to start a fight with the riding customer for a few more piasters. Hawkers with their maddening microphones are also ribald; a hawker annoys you, disturbs your sleep and doesn’t mind to verbally or physically assault you if necessary in case you tried to reproach him, although he’s supposed to earn his living out of selling his goods to you and others… see! Craftsmen are very ribald… pedestrians in the streets… Chinese-motorcycles’ riders with their loud music… even many mosque worship leaders or Imams whose religious addresses have become loaded with a lot of abusive wording. Examples are too many to count; wherever you look, you see ribaldry trending in society. Ribaldry became a synonym for revolutionary state… chaos is a translation for freedom… verbal and physical violence is the common language used in daily conversations in our Egyptian society.

In pre-civilization societies, only the strongest could survive but things changed and humanity had witnessed ages of progress and civilization and so survival became for the fittest. Unfortunately, in Egypt, survival has become for the more violent, ribald, and obscene! I do believe that nations are raised just like children. I also imagine our current situation in Egypt these days as a family man who travelled to work in order to support his family and became busy earning money to provide for the well-being of their present and guarantee their future and forgot about behaving his children, and when he came back years later, he was surprised to find his children mean and low. Unfortunately, Tourette Syndrome seems to have hit us hard! I apologize for my long comment and again happy new year.

This article was published in Almasry alyoum newspaper on December 30, 2015.

To see the Arabic article, go to:

#almasry_alyoum #ahmed_elgammal #ugliness #satellite_channels #tourette_syndrome #Egypt #Egyptian_society #obscenity #ribaldry

[1] Morsi: ex-muslim brotherhood president ousted due to mass demonstrations against his rule that swept across Egypt on June 30, 2013.

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