Thursday 16 May 2019

Foundation base and brick courses in building humans

In certain times, questions increase and debates erupt over the issues of identity.. character and a third issue related; that is building humans. I was invited more than once in many places by different entities to participate in discussions over the identity.. character and building the human. I found out that we need to “define the terms” like Fiqh people say; as there is a misunderstanding between identity and character… also, there is an unfair separation between them both and the process of building the human.

I recently discovered –that was a few days ago –that some, due to ignorance and inattention, speak about identity in social occasions as if they are chewing a gum. And if you tried to correct them, they keep reiterating the same meaningless words. It happened that we were in a Ramadan social gathering attended by some Arab brothers of different nationalities, when an Egyptian employee working in a branch of one of the Arab banks went on saying that Egypt crisis started by July, 1952 revolution and that before that time –as per his own words– we had an identity, however, later, we had no identity. This person, unconsciously, was insulting his Arab hosts. When I asked him about the definition of identity and the criteria proving the veracity of what he said, he uttered no word!

Such questions asking about the identity “Who are we?!” and the character “What are our characteristics?!” erupt in times of defeat and difficulties. One can hear such question frequently in times of change, and also in times of developing and facing challenges… as to the times of stability and going on building and achieving success in responding to challenges, such question resides back in mind, until there is a reason to push it to the front!

Tracking the history of such question throughout our modern and contemporary history proves my point. Moreover, January 25, 2011 revolution and what followed it prove that this question erupted, and answers for it were many and diverse that they stirred conflict among opinions. It is also still discussed and debated in most of the seminars and gatherings held, especially in what is called “cultural saloons”.

It was already announced that the coming presidential term will focus on building the human, whom we can imagine as a construction with foundation base, brick courses, mortar, painting, façade and decors. In such case, the foundation base is the components of identity, while brick courses along with mortar are the relation among those components including historic, ethnic and geographic ones.

As to the character; meaning the characteristics, this is the painting, façade and decors that appear to the eye and mind. Thus, I do believe that the first step in doing a true building of the human –away from propaganda and pointless objection– is to focus on strengthening the foundation base and do whatever needed to bolster it, also to restore the brick courses and fill the gaps among such courses; those gaps resulting from mortar erosion. Otherwise, any painting or décor will fall no matter how shiny or neat it is, also regardless of how much money was spent on it, as it only needs a little groundwater saturated in salts and impurities to climb over the foundation and brick courses to smear the painting and demolish the décor.

Such interaction among geography elements “the river.. valley.. delta.. desert.. and sea” and the history-long-accumulated demographic composition elements that varied between ancient migrations coming from southern and northern the Arabian Peninsula and mixing with other African races, and other migrations coming from the west and Tepetsi Plateau, and all that carries cultural and civilized characteristics… in addition to the interaction among all those components and the events witnessed by the relation between “the sea” –meaning those coming from outside our beloved country– and “the river”; meaning the Egyptian people residing along the Nile… such creative interaction enabled Egypt to achieve cohesion, stability, strength and then influencing its surrounding circles, just like the Lotus flower that opens towards its surrounding area.

Due to many reasons, the foundation base and brick courses in building the Egyptian human used to get damaged or break, causing the decors and painting to fall as well. The most prominent of those reasons was to have a conflict that leads to a separation between elements composing the identity and those elements of the character’s features.

There were times when there was a focus on the ancient Egyptian element called “Pharaonic” –which is a wrong coining for the term– and considering it the only element, and the one who prevailed the world, invented the after-life concept and taught humanity… to the end of the description exaggerated by those opposing the rest of composition elements like the Hellenistic, Christian, Islamic Arab, modern and contemporary ones! On the other side, some were focusing on the Christian Coptic component, while there were others focusing on the Arab and Islamic Coptic component, a third party focusing on the necessity to have the western-euro character features connecting back to the Hellenistic or “Greco-Roman” roots! And whenever there is someone with proper understanding seeks to put all these elements in the Egyptian melting-pot to have one beautiful solid alloy, he is being told that this is not true and we have to take sides with this or that point of view… then examples of negative incidences and events are given by those who want to negate any element of those main components.. then they start giving examples for very bad situations that took place in Egypt’s ancient history… and in the invasion coming from the Arab desert carrying bedouinism, desert life, non-civilized lifestyle and shallow culture… and in the Greek and Roman colonization that was an old phase of the modern British and French colonization… etc. and so, at the end, we lose all our roots of whatever kind!

Finally, I would like to say that building the human in our current situation has to do with strengthening the foundation base and brick courses. Otherwise, it is nothing but an outer painting and décor that will collapse at the first rain shower.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Al Ahram newspaper on May 16, 2019.

To see the original article, go to:

#ahmed_ahmad_elgammal #Egypt #identity #character

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