Wednesday 6 December 2017

Journey in open nature: the final

That was in the northwest of the U.S. where a police station lying on the borders between Canada and the U.S. was receiving those coming from Canada. My wife and I had a valid visa for entering along with a bunch of Canadian citizens. A while after dawn, we submitted our passports and were asked some questions like: Do you have a cigar? I answered: Yes. Again they asked: where it was made and how many one do you have? Then I realized the deep trouble I got myself into as I was told to strip the cigar of its brand label for it was Cuban cigar and there was an embargo on Cuban goods. I promised to do so but I forgot until I was hit by the question, so I said half the truth. I mentioned the number but claimed that I forgot where it was made and asked to go back to the car to check about this. At the car– like one committing a crime –I removed the label off the cigar then threw it in my mouth, chewed it well then spat it. I came back to them saying: Here is the cigar and it’s Egyptian-made!!

We waited for a relatively long time until they let us in to Washington State then, as I said before, we set off on our way to Mexico passing by the States of Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California. Before setting out on this trip, I had already finished re-reading the first volume of the book titled “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” written by Edward Gibbon which I believe is a very important book.

After setting off through the vast American mid-west where not a single human is seen for hundreds of kilometers, I thought about when and how the contemporary American empire can decline and fall. Therefore, I tried to pay my attention to many things I saw and heard throughout the 25-day-long journey during which we stopped many times for fueling, eating, drinking, using bathrooms and sleeping in motels spreading on the high-ways. In some of those motels the room was directly looking over the road, and so the customer must close the door well and never open it until he’s sure of the identity of the one knocking. As to the public W.C.s on the high-ways, most of them are too horrible to use and I will not go on describing them!

As I will finish the episodes of our journey in open nature by the end of this article hoping to continue later, I will tell you about what I think are impressions indicating collapse and deterioration. First of them is the lack of feeling safe, as despite the U.S. is the greatest power worldwide now, and perhaps the greatest ever known by humanity throughout history, the individual citizen, family and also groups, all of them have feelings of fear and insecurity. This explains to me the insistence on having a license to carry a firearm and use it in many cases, as you can shoot, hit and kill anyone getting close to your land or house, and also because you are always advised, in case someone wants to snatch your bag or steal what you have, not to play courageous or resist, rather give him what you have. Here the ugly popular saying stating that “If you’re gonna be raped no way… then don’t resist and enjoy” emerged!! Probably it’s directed to women.

I saw with my own eyes a robbery which I was about to lose my life in, as we were in a fish restaurant near Washington D.C. Next to the restaurant was a crowded car park. After finishing our fish meal, we went out to the car and waited for those late in the bathroom when a black Cadillac of the very long model– having six doors –stopped and an African American driver stepped out of it. He left it running, closed it well and headed to the restaurant. In seconds, a man jumped off a pick-up car holding a metal bar looking like a saw metal part. Quickly, he pushed it near the window glass and passed it alongside the car door that opened, then he drove it and fled. The driver, meanwhile, came yelling and screaming: My car… my car. Like a foolish coming from the south, I got my hand out of my pocket and pointed towards the pick-up speaking to the man in English saying: This is the car. Suddenly, several gunshots were fired towards us– me in specific –when someone grabbed me forcibly to get me down pushing me beneath the nearest parking car. The pick-up fled away, the situation came to an end and I was rebuked: “Are you crazy?... what do you think you were doing?!!”

After fear comes ignorance, as one may receive a question– like I did –asking: where do you come from? I said Egypt. Then the elegant gentleman asking demonstrated his “knowledge” saying: “Ooh… Egypt… the Far East”!! I tried to tell him about Africa, the Pyramids, the Sphinx… but in vain. When I told him that I come from “British Columbia”, the “enlightened” man said: “Ooh… Latin America”…etc. Also, some of the Americans almost know nothing about Roosevelt, Truman or Mao Zedong. There is an unbelievable level of ignorance in the country that has the greatest contemporary library and state-of-the-art revolution of information and communication technology.

Here comes the turn of poverty or more specific neediness, as while we were having breakfast in a hotel in San Diego city and the TV was broadcasting footage of violence, war and death in Iraq, there was an American family in the restaurant bidding farewell to its 20-year-old son joining the Marines and going to Iraq. The son got married recently, for the financial reward given to the married is much more that of the single. Outside the restaurant, there were some who got discharged from the Marines’ service standing at cross-roads lifting signs searching for jobs and asking for help. Some others, meantime, were looking for food in garbage bins. Moreover, there in the huge cemetery of martyrs of American army men one can find graves written on its headstones that the deceased martyred in one of the two World Wars or in Vietnam when he was in his thirties. Other gravestones state that the late was 21 and martyred after the year 2000!!

In addition, you hear about American citizens keeping a paper in their pockets saying that in case there was an emergency to get admitted to a hospital, it’s better to leave them until they die outside it so that their folks do not incur the high expenses of their medical care. That means they go to die in wars for the money, and they also suffer from hunger and sickness because of neediness or poverty.

Now we come to addiction to gambling or poker, as the American spends his daytime in work then he spends what he earns in poker machines in the evening where a medal key holding his credit card hangs from his trousers to a slot in the machine that directly withdraws money from his bank account. They also put food and beverage within his hand reach so that he can keep playing and not get distracted away from the machine. When a machine beeps declaring that someone won, others hope to hear the same beep coming out from their slots, and so they remain “tied” to them.

Finally, we come to obesity and over-weightiness as it is said that rates of legs’ amputation due to diabetes which in turn is a result of unhealthy diet are very high in the U.S. to the extent that airliners think of changing the chairs’ capacity!

After all this, I asked myself: could fear, ignorance, neediness, addiction to poker and obesity be the weevils infesting the body of the American empire and are they symptoms for the decline and fall like what happened before in past empires? However I realized that it’s still too early since the U.S. possesses vast capabilities and natural resources and unlimitedly diverse weather. I hope there will be another chance to talk about the open nature.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Almasry alyoum newspaper on December 6, 2017.

To see the original article, go to:

#almasry_alyoum #ahmed_elgammal #america #usa

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