Wednesday 20 July 2016

Conclusion about alternative

Today, we put an end to the first part of the rich dialogue that took place on the pages of the Almasry alyoum newspaper along with e-mail and social media websites about the alternative that can occupy the space left by rejecting the groups claiming to represent the only Islamic religious reference.

The second part I believe will be about shifting from the phase of giving opinions to paving the way for real action that can encompass all those eager for positive action in the nationalist domain… and third part could be about planning… tasks distribution… roles integration, experience and connecting with those who can help execute and address people whom we wish can represent cadres for the desired change.

I have opened the door for all points of view… inside Egypt and abroad… but I haven’t published here any of what I received on e-mail or Facebook which included any violation to dialogue ethics like insults or so… which is considered a real change in my character… I am the one who has never missed a chance to engage using all weapons and words!

I have already promised to submit my opinion about the alternative in the end… but first, I’d like to thank Mr. Ghassan Tahboob, the Arab thinker and distinguished media man who was the first to impose the question around which we have discussed.

I noticed that some understood the alternative we mean as what we should do in education, culture and other fields of human activities … while some others understood the space left as the absence of some people or muslim brotherhood group and all their likes while they still exist… are spreading and active in more than one field and place… others, meantime, thought that the alternative to “inclination towards religious references” is to head towards nationalism… towards secularism… believing these are the root solution for all problems… and that both of them is the remedy to all mistakes! I’m not going to comment on every opinion I received as this will make it an endless discussion lasting for weeks even if we published such discussion daily… now I shall present my opinion about what I think is the alternative.

First, I believe the alternative intended is the answer to the key question: how can we – with all our different political and thought inclinations, ideological stances and economic and sociological situations – all work so that the nation can have proper education, health system, living standards… to the end of the list… that are adequate to what our beloved Egypt deserves and to make her an active strong nation like the rest of the live developed nations in the north, east, west… and even in the south?!

How can Egypt have a decent political life where active political parties are effective because they represent social powers or adopt key ideas… how can Egypt regain its own comprehensive integrating cultural civilized distinguished character encompassing all its geographical and historical prerequisites… how can Egypt well employ its geographical position, situation and stance in Africa, Arab region, third world and the whole world in a way that is adequate and comparable to its geographical, geo-political, civilized and long-time-in-history facts… to the rest… without having negative effect of such prospected role like what happened before in previous times when Egypt was hit hard due to its role?!

I believe no one disagrees with what I said… and so the case now is not who you are or who I am… whether intellectually, ideologically or politically… the case is about every one of us orbiting around one centre… no matter how far every one of us from that centre is… but we all should orbit one centre… that is Egypt… and Egypt here is not a vague word… when we say Egypt we mean the state along with its land, sea, air, people, and authorities distributed among legislative, judiciary and executive… we mean the state that came to eminence before most, if not all, other states… Egypt that has been through many and long historical phases with the line chart representing its history fluctuating between ups and downs… the catastrophe was always when that continuous line representing the long history is cut.

It was proved that the national consensus, solidarity and desire for collective work appear the most and even double in times of shifting from “decline and decadence” to “rise and power”… in such case, and in my opinion, I believe the mechanism or the way adopted to reach the national consensus and orbiting around one centre; that is Egypt… is expressed in one sentence… “Keeping the Egyptian state to the last moment and doing all that can enable this state to go bigger and greater... It’s a clear goal: the balanced strong cohesive Egypt qualified to do its role”!... meaning; whether you are liberal… secular… nationalist… islamist… or even an Egyptian chauvinist not believing in any ideology or having no orientation at all… Ok… fine… but what I understand is that whoever you are… you shall not mind if you work hard with everyone else so that we can have an advanced distinguished proper education in Egypt and the same thing regarding all other fields!

I believe you agree with me that the scientific and technical progress in the world now has already put down the criteria needed to achieve such goals… exactly like the case when we build a sky-scraper… you make soil tests, foundations’ cement mix… to the rest of steps, procedures and standards already-known to build a sky-scraper where these standards are supervised by human experts regardless of their intellectual, political, religious or even non-religious orientation they may have!

Does this mean we shall have a one-style society with no differences at all? … the answer is No… absolutely not… being different is not only a must, but inevitable… however, I believe such difference shall always be channeled into the way of doing better in the task entitled to you… and guaranteeing the best results within prescribed time schedules!

In my opinion, the first step on this way is that we shall all unite on one target; that is studying what happened to Egypt and Egyptians and caused such tragic shift from a society that once united in one to stand against the enemy and remedy the causes and effects of 1967 War… and they had what they want through the War of Attrition and the October 1973 War… to the society we live in now… suddenly, everything changed… concepts we never witnessed before prevailed… Divide, despair, looting, stealing, illegal enrichment, loss of national will, collective migration either to the Arab region or the world, adopting systems obstructing to development and progress and consecrating in the same time the concept of individual salvation and making profits over the nations’ dead body!

Then I suggest that some of us meet to discuss and study reasons behind failure of political parties and groups, the thing that poured in the benefit of religion-proclaimed ideologies on the expense of leftist and liberal ideologies… we shall also discuss precursors and results of January 25th and June 30th revolutions!

All this shall lead to finding the answer for the question asking how the Egyptian state can be the centre we orbit around… how we can achieve all we aspire to in all fields… and how we can avoid falling again like we did before when we fell in the gap of the interim phase following the October 1973 victory to the mire of looting and despotism and what came later.

Now, I invite those who want to participate in the first step about what has happened to our beloved Egypt to communicate with me.

Translated into English by: Dalia Elnaggar

This article was published in Almasry alyoum newspaper on July 20, 2016.

To see the original article, go to:

#almasry_alyoum #ahmed_elgammal #Egypt #alternative

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